Principal Characters
Historical persons are set in bold characters, followed by pronunciation pointers in parenthesis and the translation of the names in italics. The letter combination ‘th’ is pronounced like an aspirated ‘t’.
Senusret III. (Senusret) – husband of goddess Ouseret
A ruler spurred by a bird.
Hori and his family
Hori – name of god Horus
Has to prove someone's innocence.
Sobekemhat (Sobek-em-hat) – Sobek is at the top
Hori's father and the vizier, but not wise.
Nakhtmin and his family
Nakhtmin (Nakht-min) – Min is strong
Wants to protect his wife.
Mutnofret (Mut-nofret) – (the goddess) Mut is beautiful
Has a mind of her own.
On the way
Djehutihotep (Dshehuti-hotep) – Thot is content
A nomarch wanting to elevate himself.
Seneb – the healthy one
His chamberlain proud to look up at his master.
In Waset
Ouseret – the mighty one
Desirable nag who remains silent.
Nehesy – Nubian
Her father who suffers under her silence.
Meseh – crocodile
Basket maker, who rarely keeps silent.
Antef – He who brings his father along
Nomarch of Waset, for whom silence is worth gold.
Amunhotep – Amun is content
First prophet of Amun in Waset and too old to keep silent any longer.
Hereret – flower and Hapi – name of the river god
Silent servants in Hori and Nakhtmin's house, but only there.
Ipuwer (Ipu-wer) – the big one from Ipu (old name for the Min nome)
A doctor who makes Ouseret break her silence.
Merwer – the much loved
A tradesman on the go, who promises a lot.
Sanefer – beautiful son
Merwer's son who doesn't think his methods very promising.
Satnefert – beautiful daughter
Merwer's daughter, whose promise is lifted by his death.
Ankhes-Nit – She lives for the goddess Neith
His wife, who lives on his promises.
Nofru – Beauty
His servant, very promising in many regards.
Ini – Gift
Sells Merwer's goods and hopes for the promised reward.
Wahka – with a steady ka, Heny – sedge
Merwer's tenants, who keep silent at first then say too much.
Seni – my brother
A registrar about to regret his corruptability.
Kawab – Pure ka
Prophet of Khons, corruptingly disloyal.
Bakenamun (Bak-en-Amun) – servant of Amun. Principal of the House of Life zn Waset.
Neferhotep – beautiful and content. Physician at the House of Life in Waset.
Amunmose – Born by Amun. Head of the archive.
Sarenput – Son of the years.. Nomarch of Ta-Seti.
Senusretankh – May Senusret live. Principal of the hemu-netjer of Amun.